Thursday, March 26, 2009

Crappy Poem of the Day #001

I recently rediscovered the giddy pleasure of writing poems – hastily written, trivial, semi-nonsensical poems, to be more specific. I'm going to try to make it a daily feature on my blog. [I know, right?! "Le Suerg? Every DAY?! We'll see how long he keeps THIS up! Hmph!"]

Welcome to the first edition of "Crappy Poem of the Day".

There is a young blogger named Nicholas
Whose poetry is quite ridiculous.
His rhymes are a stretch,
His words make us retch,
And his meter is likely to pickle us.

Limericks are my current favorite form. Haikus will also be a regular. If you know of other very short poem forms, please let me know. Rhyming forms are preferred.

1 comment:

rachel rianne said...

LOVE limericks.
and that one rocks.

and i did say "Hmph!" in my head.