Thursday, August 27, 2009

Find this man, win $5,000.

Wired is the coolest magazine ever. That's all there is to it. Almost every single issue has something that makes me think, something that gets me excited, and something that makes me say, "I totally have to try that." Sometimes a single story contains all three of those things.

Here's the latest such story: Wired author Evan Ratliff is hiding. He is offering $5,000 to anyone who can find him between August 15th and September 15th. Seriously. And he hasn't just dug a Saddam-style hole to sit in for a month. He's out and about, going to book stores, and perhaps flying to Hawaii.

How the heck can you even know where to start? Well, start by reading the contest info. Next, and more importantly: check out, which is periodically updated with information about Evan that a private investigator would have access to (including activity on frequent flier, credit card, and ATM accounts).

I desperately want to try to find Evan, but I think there are about a thousand people who would be better at this than I would. "Wired" readers are an incredibly clever bunch, and many of them seem to have too much time on their hands. Also, from my initial perusal of Evan's tracks, he appears to be spending most of his time on the west coast. It would be hard for me to get close enough to whisper the code word to him.

I really want someone to find him, so that he can write the story of how it happened. (Which is actually what he will do if he is found.)

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