Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The coolest way ever to make popcorn.

Okay. Take a bunch of popcorn kernels and pour them into a small pressure vessel with a lid. Rotate this over a super hot fire for a few minutes, until the steam pressure inside the vessel builds up to dangerous levels. Quickly take the vessel out of the fire, point it into a burlap sack, and pop the lid off. All the popcorn explodes simultaneously. Watch:

As an alternative, you can fill a car-sized bowl with kernels, put it in someone's house, then point a big laser at it from space or from an airplane, and fill the whole house with popcorn. [A gold star for anyone who knows this reference.]


karlie nicole cooper. said...

REAL GENIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

rachel rianne said...

why find the reference,
when you COULD MAKE IT.

weekend challenge, nick.